*Delivery will be made 2 days after confirmation of your order

*Food Factory reminds that meals may contain different allergens. You can get detailed information about the existence of a specific allergen in meals by getting in touch with Food Factory administration.

Food Factory does not return the money for orders that are placed or does not change them for another one, if the client while placing the order has not pay attention to ingredients and has received a meal with products that he is allergic to.

To avoid the damage of Food Factory production and protect them from microbiological, chemical and physical contamination risks you must strictly follow TERMS OF PRODUCTION STORAGE:

1. Food Factory production must be stored in their original containers, on which you can find the expiration date.

2. Carefully follow the expiration date.

3. Store food for not longer then 3 days (72 hours).

4. 2 hours after receiving the food it must be stored in the fridge.

5. It is forbidden to freeze Food Factory meals.

6. It is allowed to warm the meals in the microwave before removing the package lid and vacuum film.

7. You can warm up your meal on the pan (without the package).

8. You can warm up your meal in the oven (without the package).

9. It is forbidden to re-heat them repeatedly.

*Disregard of any previously mentioned points or partial pursuance could affect the quality of food and the time of realization. Food Factory is not responsible about the quality of the food, freshness and date of expiration if some of the previously mentioned points are violated.

P.S. Delivery foods are delivered maximum for a period of three days.

Thank you for being with us!

Food Factory – taste of a better life.